If you are looking for a Cleveland African American Physician, look no further . . . Dr. Gregory L. Hall is the premier choice in Northeast Ohio. As a specialist in Internal Medicine, he sees patients age 18 and up.
Internal Medicine is a primary care specialty for adults and Dr. Hall sees patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, headaches, dementia, and much more. He will be on your side . . . and has a special ability to explain complicated diseases and conditions.
African Americans have particularly severe problems with hypertension, strokes, obesity, and heart disease . . . and also have slightly different needs in the clinical care of these disorders. Having the expertise and cultural competence in the care of African Americans is Dr. Hall’s specialty, and he is currently writing a book on the special needs of this population.
Born and raised in Cleveland’s Glenville neighborhood, Dr. Hall is very familiar with the medical resources available in Northeast Ohio and refers to specialists in their field from across the region.
He also understands the issues specific to the African American Community and makes an extra effort to establish trust, and diagnose and treat these conditions before they can cause harm.

Trained at the world famous Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Hall provides up-to-date medical care in a family-like environment. Caring and comical, you will feel immediately at home with Dr. Hall and his staff.
Call the office of Gregory L. Hall, MD for an appointment, and we will see you real soon.
216 881-5055