Topic: African Americans
Preventing Breast Cancer in Black Women
Getting Breast Cancer Less, But Dying From it More Black women get breast cancer less often than White women yet they die from breast cancer at a much higher rate. How is that? They get breast cancer less, but die…
“PVD”- Peripheral Vascular Disease & African Americans
"My Legs are Tired" People who experience poor circulation often see changes in the color of the skin of their legs and encounter problems walking long distances. As one person described, "I have to sit down because my legs get…
Heart Disease & the Black Community
African Americans have the worst heart and stroke outcomes of all. African Americans are at a higher risk than White Americans for heart diseases, as evidenced by their:Â Â Â Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious health concern,…
Magnesium Deficiency and African American Health
9 out of 10 Older Black Adults Have Low Magnesium Minerals like magnesium are vital to maintaining good health, and magnesium specifically plays a key role in controlling diabetes and promoting healthy blood vessels. Unfortunately, many people are not aware…
Increased Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in African Americans Linked to Poorer Nutrition
STD Infections? Do you have trouble with recurrent sexually transmitted disease (STD) infections? Is bacterial vaginitis a recurrent problem? African Americans have the highest rate of HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and bacterial vaginitis in the country while not having much…
Bacterial Vaginitis in African American Women
Bacterial Vaginitis is NOT an STD Bacterial vaginitis (BV) is an imbalance of the bacteria that normally inhabit the vagina. A third of US women overall have had “BV”. Unfortunately, African American women have the highest occurrence of BV at…
The Unique Vitamin Needs of African Americans over 50
Because of the increased number of diseases in African Americans over age 50, there are a number of critical vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may be contributing to the increased disease and the premature deaths that we see. As we…
Colon Cancer in African Americans
Colon cancer has been called “the disease no one has to die from,” but African Americans continue to have the highest occurrence and the highest death rate compared to other racial/ethnic groups. Studies show that a Black man is 24 percent…
Elevated “CK” or Creatine Kinase Level?  In African Americans, This May NOT be a Problem
Creatine kinase (CK) is a chemical/enzyme that exists in human muscle cells, heart cells, and also small amounts can be found in brain cells. Body cells can release creatine kinase (CK) into your bloodstream when they’re damaged or related to…
Low Potassium and African Americans
Potassium doesn’t get enough credit as a very beneficial nutrient to good health and potassium deficiency (low potassium) has been directly related to high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, muscle weakness, fatigue, and much more. Multiple studies have confirmed that…